The third quarter Safety Networking Group (SNG) meeting was held on 22 August, hosted by the Queensland Ambulance Service (QAS).
Mick Davis (Former WHS Advisor with QAS) presented an interesting presentation in the history of QAS with Paul Coffey (Corporate Manager – Health and Safety QAS) giving an update on current WHS initiatives within QAS.
Damian Hegarty (Senior Associate, Kaden Boriss Brisbane) updated the Group on the latest WHS legislative changes including the prosecution of officers under the WHS Act as well as the implications of the introduction of a threshold of greater than 5% degree of permanent impairment to access common law damages with reference to labour hire provisions.
The next SNG meeting is earmarked for November 2014.
In 2005 QRMC founded the Safety Networking Group for senior safety professionals working in the greater Brisbane metropolitan area. QRMC continues to coordinate and arrange for speakers to present at quarterly meetings and discuss information on contemporary WHS issues. Group members also share information from their workplaces or industries, which other members frequently find interesting and useful.
More information on the Safety Networking Group can be found on our website. Senior safety professionals contemplating attending meetings in Brisbane can contact QRMC to express an interest.