Risk Management
QRMC works in compliance with the international standard ISO 31000 Risk Management to deliver Risk Management services.
QRMC delivers the full range of risk management services, from the development of an enterprise risk management program to project or activity risk assessments. Our services are tailored to the specific scope and requirements of the organisation to ensure they are fit for purpose and easy to implement.
Our Risk Management Services
Risk Management Program options delivered by QRMC
QRMC has developed enterprise risk management programs for large and small organisations. When developing risk management programs, we also design monitoring and reporting protocols which, when implemented, will assist to embed risk management into the organisation. These protocols are based around the organisation’s existing processes so that Risk Management becomes part of the normal way of “doing business”.
Risk Assessment options delivered by QRMC
QRMC facilitates strategic and operational risk assessments on entire organisations, or any specified part or activity therein. We also conduct project risk assessments at any stage of the life of the project.
Training to Embed Risk Management
QRMC provides training in risk management to all levels within an organisation, to guide personnel through the risk management process and instil in all staff the need for, and benefits of, a sound risk management approach.
Our consultative approach
The QRMC consultant will ensure the full involvement of the client organisation’s representative through the following steps:
- Agreement that the client representative will be closely involved in each phase of the project and have input into the process and outcomes
- The client representative will be represented in all significant decisions regarding approach and findings relating to the project.
- The presentation of deliverables will be designed in a format which is mutually agreeable to the client representative.
- QRMC will ensure that sufficient technical and professional capacity is available to complete the project regardless of changes in staff or resources.
- The client representative will approve final deliverables prior to presentation.
Where the project has the potential to impact on work health and safety matters, QRMC will be mindful to ensure that the consultation process is carried out in accordance with the requirements of the harmonised Work Health and Safety legislation in respect to the consultation of ‘workers’ and relevant duty holders.
Determining your needs
What is Risk Management versus Risk Assessment?
Risk Management is, in summary, the process of: identifying potential events that might impact on an entity’s business objectives; quantifying the consequences and likelihood of the occurrence of these events; and then managing the risk of the event occurring in accordance with the entity’s appetite for risk, by planning and implementing controls and treatments. The process should also allow for the recognition and management of opportunities; the identification of impacts and results, and the actions required to maximise benefit.
Risk Assessment is a critical part of the Risk Management process. It involves systematically identifying the risks pertinent to the context of the activity or organisation being assessed, then analysing and evaluating the risks to reach a point of decision regarding how important each risk is and how it should be managed. Risk analysis is the process of determining the causes of the identified risks, the consequences should the risk occur, and the likelihood that those consequences will be experienced. The level of consequence is determined in the context of any existing treatments for the risk, specifically how effective those treatments are. Risk evaluation is the process of applying an agreed matrix to the consequence and likelihood levels to determine a rating for each risk, which is used to prioritise risks for consideration of treatment options and urgency. The risk assessment process is usually recorded in a Risk Register.