Business Continuity Management
QRMC works in compliance with ISO 22301 & AS/NZS 5050 standards to deliver our Business Continuity Management services.
As experienced BCM consultants, QRMC can provide the entire suite of services for the development of a Business Continuity Management program for your organisation, including Business Impact Analysis, development of business continuity plans, scenario development and testing exercises, and training of staff.
Our Business Continuity Management Consultants
Business Continuity Management options at QRMC
As experienced BCM consultants, QRMC can provide the entire suite of services for the development of a Business Continuity Management program for your organisation.
BCM Document Review
The document review which occurs early in the development or review of a Business Continuity Management Program is important, because when developing or reviewing systems or programs, QRMC aims to minimise the administrative impact on staff of using the new documentation by integrating it with existing systems documentation and frameworks, mirroring style and keeping any existing components that work well in order to ease the implementation processes.
BCP Testing
QRMC develops these testing exercise based on a realistic hypothetical scenario suited to the organisation. It is designed to invoke each participating functional area’s operational context. The QRMC facilitator directs the group through the evolving hypothetical situation and elicits proposed responses and actions from the responsible staff, in order to determine if the staff have internalised the requirements of the BCP sufficiently to implement it if required.
Business Continuity Management capacity building
QRMC develops and delivers training courses in the in-house development and implementation of Business Continuity Plans as a part of organisational capacity building.
Getting Up To Date
QRMC assists organisations to become compliant with the international standard ISO 22301 by reviewing and updating existing Business Continuity Plans and recommending amendments to bring the documentation into alignment with best practice.