QRMC would like to thank all those who attended last Friday’s Safety Networking Group in the city. It was great to finally get together in person for the first time in over a year! Kicking off proceedings, Deanna McMaster, Partner at Minter Ellison, presented a cross-section of legal updates covering WHS due diligence requirements, contractor management and the recent development that sexual harassment is to be treated under the WHS Act. Mike Speter then gave the group an outline on current trends in Mental Health and emerging initiatives and considerations for WHS professionals. We then spent an hour (or more!) sharing a drink and reconnecting professionally. Hopefully there will be no further impediments to getting together throughout 2021 and we look forward to seeing you all again in May – details coming shortly.
In 2005 QRMC founded the Safety Networking Group for senior safety professionals working in the greater Brisbane metropolitan area. QRMC continues to coordinate and arrange for speakers to present at quarterly meetings and discuss information on contemporary WHS issues. Group members also share information from their workplaces or industries, which other members frequently find interesting and useful.
More information on the Safety Networking Group can be found on our website. Senior safety professionals contemplating attending meetings in Brisbane can contact QRMC to express an interest.