Education Department of Western Australia
Review of an existing risk management and corporate governance program, including examination of all corporate governance and risk management strategies to determine level of compliance with standards and policies, consultation with various stakeholders to determine if the program was meeting needs, and recommendations for change to improve outputs
Education Queensland
Risk assessment of Buranda State School focussing on access issues
Emergency Management Australia, Queensland Department of Emergency Services, Hervey Bay City Council, Mackay City Council and Cairns City Council
Major risk management study including the following deliverables:
– The effect of cyclonic wind and storm surges on the local government areas of Hervey Bay, Mackay and Cairns
– The effect of land-based thunderstorms with high rainfall and winds on the same areas
– The effect of earthquakes, dam failure and land slips in those areas
This work included assessing the impact of natural hazards on lifelines (water, sewerage, energy, transport agencies, communications etc). The ultimate deliverables included a model local government counter disaster plan
Emicase Pty Ltd
Redevelopment of WMS Management System
Endeavour Group (BWS, Dan Murphy’s etc)
Licence renewal audit (National SIA Tool)
Energy Queensland
Annual Electrical Safety Management System Audit