Australia Post
Review of emergency management procedures and on-site emergency response plans, and development and delivery of a training program in emergency control room operations for the Queensland management of Australia Post
Australia Post
Review of emergency management procedures and a training program in emergency control room operations for the Queensland management of Australia Post, including the delivery of guidelines for the operation of an emergency control room and for the interaction of responsible officers. A review of the Australia Post Queensland on-site emergency response plans was also carried out and followed up by the required training as recommendation by the review
Australian Agricultural College Corporation
Gap analysis of Risk Management Methodology against ISO31000, update of methodology documentation, develop and facilitate 1-day leadership risk management awareness and methodology training
Australian Airports (Townsville) Pty Ltd
Strategic Risk Management Review
Australian Airports (Townsville) Pty Ltd
Risk Assessment Framework for the New Aerobridge Infrastructure at Townsville
Australian Airports (Townsville) Pty Ltd
Development and delivery of Risk Management workshop