In Part 1 of this series, we looked at the ISO context for a dedicated Management Review of an organisation’s Management System, how and why this review differs from a standard monthly Executive Leadership Team review of performance, and the key inputs that need to be considered as a part of this important system evaluation.

In Part 2, we will examine the outputs from the Management Review and the benefits that flow to operational effectiveness and continuous improvement. For the purposes of this discussion, we will focus more on the WHS Management System (as it provides a good illustration) and the organisation as a whole.

Having considered and reviewed the currency and performance of all inputs, both internal and external to the WHS Management System, the core purpose of the Management Review is to then determine three key aspects:

  1. The continuing suitability of the Management System – how the system “fits” the organisation, its culture and other business systems.
  2. The continuing adequacy of the Management System – whether the system has been implemented appropriately.
  3. The continuing effectiveness of the Management System – whether the system is achieving the organisation’s intended outcomes.

Ideally, this should also include the identification of any WHS system improvement opportunities and any need for changes to processes, resources, communications or other actions necessary to achieve the organisation’s strategic objectives. For some organisations, the outcomes of these assessments then inform the direction and content of their WHS Strategic Plan for the coming year (or years).

The benefits of conducting a regular, dedicated Management Review are many:

  • Overall improved WHS performance and fewer workplace injuries and illnesses
  • Better prioritisation of WHS Initiatives and Programs within other organisational needs
  • Improved ability to meet legislative and regulatory requirements and stakeholder expectations
  • Conformance/Alignment with ISO Standards requirements
  • Ability to compare performance against internal and external benchmarks to identify best practices and areas for improvement
  • Alignment of the Management System with the organisation’s strategic goals and objectives
  • Provision of Top Management with a deeper understanding of the current opportunities and challenges facing the Management System and its users
  • Demonstration of Top Management’s commitment to WHS and reinforcement of the role of leadership in driving health and safety improvements
  • Facilitation of more informed (and hopefully better) decision-making for the organisation.

Management Reviews are not just a good idea, they are critical to your organisation’s ongoing performance and operational effectiveness. They can ensure that your Management System remains effective, relevant, aligned with strategic goals, ultimately leading to a safer and healthier work environment.

Please contact QRMC for more information or assistance.