Category: Corporate Governance

Updated WHS Consultation Arrangements Part 2

In the last edition of Insight, we discussed the recent amendments to the Queensland

The ‘Audit Masquerade’

The term "audit masquerade" has emerged from the financial sector to describe the phenomenon where audits become…

Updated WHS Consultation Arrangements Part 1

Following the 2022 Review of Queensland's Work Health and Safety Act 2011, and consideration of recommendations from…

Adding the ‘ER’ to SMART

The SMART acronym has been commonly used across successful organisations as the cornerstone of their goal-setting for…

Understanding ISO 45004:2024

ISO 45004:2024 Occupational health and safety management – Guidelines on performance evaluation was recently released to complement…

Assessing Risks

The management of risks is a cornerstone principle within an array of legislative requirements, including WHS, Electrical…

The Growing Importance of Information Security

In our previous articles on Information Security Management, we have discussed Information Security Management Systems (ISMS) and…

Chain of Responsibility

The Victorian sentencing of a trucking scheduler, following an incident which tragically resulted in the death of…

Right to Disconnect

Last April we published an Insight article exploring the issue of after-hours ‘electronic intrusions’…