About Us
Since 1998 QRMC has been delivering high quality risk management and business advisory services.
QRMC is an independent consultancy firm specialising in providing services in the areas of Risk Management, Work Health and Safety, Business Continuity Management and Integrated Management Systems (quality, safety and environmental) to private and public sector organisations across Australia.
QRMC provides independent, cost-effective services tailored to suit the requirements of individual clients. QRMC’s management systems and business advisory services will help your organisation to achieve its business objectives and compliance requirements.
QRMC is a well-recognised provider of risk management and business advisory services to public, private and not-for-profit organisations across Australia.
QRMC is active in the risk management and safety communities. We participate in key industry conferences such as the Safety Institute of Australia (SIA) and Risk Management Institution of Australasia (RMIA) along with other regular professional development activities to ensure current knowledge of best practice in our fields of service delivery.
QRMC founded and coordinate the Safety Networking Group for safety professionals across all industries, in order to provide information and networking to senior OHS professionals across South East Queensland.
We publish a monthly e-newsletter aimed at providing useful information in the areas of risk management, safety and business continuity management as part of our contribution towards the ongoing development of risk management, safety and business continuity professionals.
QRMC Risk Management was founded and incorporated in June 1998 in Brisbane Queensland and operated under the name Queensland Risk Management Consultants Pty Ltd. The business was sold as a going concern in June 2006 and registered on 27 April 2006 in New South Wales as QRMC Risk Management Pty Ltd. QRMC is wholly owned by Director Steve O’Rourke, who also owns QRMC’s sister company Constructive Solutions Pty Ltd.
Our Expertise
QRMC Risk Management is comprised of a team of dedicated consultants with a wide range of insdustry backgrounds and experience. Each member of the QRMC team is skilled all-round consultant in business management advisory services, and each also brings to the team an area of special expertise. QRMC's team works closely together, sharing knowledge and experience, supporting each other in the delivery of high quality services to our clients, and building on each others' strengths to achieve the best possible outcomes for clients.
Meet our teamQRMC is based in Brisbane but delivers Australia-wide, and has provided services for national clients which demands familiarity with the regulatory requirements of all Australian states and territories.
Our Mission
QRMC’s mission is to leave your organisation in a “better state” than how we found it.
To provide professional services in the areas of Risk Management, Business Continuity Planning and Integrated Management Systems (Quality, Safety and Environmental), which will add value to our clients’ business and achieve a high level of client satisfaction.
Our Values
QRMC holds the following values as central to the way in which we do business:
Safety Networking Group
Statement of Purpose
QRMC founded the Safety Networking Group to provide information and networking to senior OHS professionals in order to contribute to the development of the health & safety profession in South East Queensland.
In the interest of ensuring that the Group achieves this goal and provides best value to its members, SNG membership is restricted to individuals in occupational health and safety positions at Managerial level.
Coordinated by QRMC Risk Management Pty Ltd, the SNG meets approximately 4 times a year, hosted on a voluntary basis by members. Hosting involves the provision of a venue and basic catering. There are no membership fees.
QRMC arranges for speakers to present on current issues affecting safety professionals, and issues in which SNG members have expressed an interest. Group members also share information from their industries which other members may find relevant or interesting.
QRMC has developed a positive relationship with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland, and arranges regular presentations from WHSQ at SNG meetings in order that members may develop insight into the current and developing regulatory context.
Membership of the SNG ranges across the private, public and not-for-profit sectors, and various industries including transport, rail, aviation, communication, resources, water management, aged care, logistics, manufacturing, entertainment, health, livestock management, energy and finance.
Affiliated Companies

QRMC’s sister company, Constructive Solutions Pty Ltd, also offers a number of business advisory and civil engineering services across Australia.
www.constructivesolutions.com.auServices include:
- Project management
- Civil engineering
- Auditing
- Traffic engineering
- Tender and contract administration
- Environmental assessments
- Local government engineering
- Value management studies
- Design services
- Feasibility studies

Why Choose QRMC

Our Approach


Our People

QRMC's Business Continuity