Year: 2022

As we approach the end of the year, we start to think about what is in store for 2023. Across the various industries we support, there seems to be an overall ‘busy-ness’ (tending toward being overworked) as the level of work surges back following the impacts from the COVID pandemic and severe weather events. Looking … Continued

With automation having been introduced across most industries to some extent, there is little doubt that it has far-reaching benefits in reducing risks to the safety of workers, with the obvious one being manual handling. However, has automation removed the responsibility of both managers and workers to review safety controls? An example of this overheard … Continued

This is a pivotal question and one that is integral to the success of WHS management, as an organisation’s SMS should not rely on any one person to function. Perhaps the biggest take-away point from the last couple of the years of the COVID pandemic is that an organisation’s ability to function, and to function … Continued

Cast your mind back 20 years to 2002. Before Apple invented the iPhone. Before Smart TVs and Netflix. Before Facebook. Before Uber turned the Taxi industry on its head. Leighton Hewitt was the Men’s World Number 1 Tennis Player. The Ketchup Song made Number 1 in 28 countries and became the biggest dance craze since … Continued

A WHS Risk Register is not technically required under the WHS Legislation. Nor is this term discussed in ISO 45001 or ISO 31000. However, this document for capturing strategic and operational risks can be the most useful tool in the management system kit bag. Broadly speaking, legislation requires that an organisation identifies their risks and … Continued