QRMC Risk Management Pty Ltd will be closing over the Christmas period, from close of business 20 December, reopening 6 January 2014. Don’t forget to keep the safety of your family, friends and colleagues in mind over the festive season – for tips on managing Christmas risks, see our article in Insight issue 31. Best … Continued
Year: 2013
On 1 January 2014 the amended Electrical Safety Act 2002 will come into effect. The amendments do not significantly change the requirements for electrical safety in Queensland as many of the changes adopted will be familiar as terms and concepts from the harmonised Work Health and Safety Act (2011). Some of the key changes include: … Continued
A review of the Qld WHS (Work Health and Safety) legislation by the Queensland Government has resulted in a delay in commencement of certain provisions and transitional arrangements until 1 January 2015. The Work Health and Safety and Another Regulation Amendment Regulation (No. 1) came into effect on 15 November 2013 and makes amendments relating … Continued
Bullying can have a very negative impact on the health and wellbeing of the targeted individuals and can result in depression, anxiety, sleep disturbances, lowered self-esteem and even suicidal thoughts. As part of a policy response to this increasingly recognised problem, the Fair Work Commission now considers bullying when reviewing matters as part of its … Continued
We are hearing on a regular basis these days that the population, and hence the workforce, is ageing. Whilst governments struggle with the policy settings required to ensure a healthy economy and a viable health system under these changing demographics, little attention has been given to the “on the ground” impacts to small and large … Continued
It is widely recognised that a stressful work environment can result in a range of negative impacts on both workers and the organisation. Workplace stress can prompt a range of impacts including anxiety or depression, reduced concentration, substance abuse, poor problem solving skills, bad decision-making, and impacts on home life and relationships. For the employing … Continued
There’s a lot of jargon and hype around the term “safety culture” which can have the unintended detrimental effect of undermining a valuable concept. Pared back to bare bones, what it really means is to make changes to the way things are done in an organisation, until everyone, from top to bottom, is engaging in … Continued